Photography Tour In Sultanahmet Square

Welcome to Istanbul, the enchanting city where history and photography converge! As a professional photography expert, you understand the importance of capturing the perfect shot in the most iconic locations. Join us on our exclusive photography tour in Sultanahmet, where we’ll guide you through the heart of Istanbul’s historical treasures, ensuring you capture unforgettable images that showcase the essence of this remarkable city.

The Hippodrome of Constantinople was a circus that was the sporting and social centre of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire. Today it is a square named Sultanahmet Meydanı (Sultan Ahmet Square) in the Turkish city of Istanbul, with a few fragments of the original structure surviving.

Why Choose Our Photography Tour in Sultanahmet?

Expert Guidance: Our photography tour is led by experienced professionals who have an intimate knowledge of Sultanahmet’s architectural wonders and historical significance. They will provide expert guidance on composition, lighting, and camera settings, helping you elevate your skills and capture images that truly stand out.

Iconic Landmarks: Sultanahmet is a treasure trove of iconic landmarks, including the awe-inspiring Hagia Sophia, the magnificent Blue Mosque, the majestic Topkapi Palace, and the ancient Hippodrome. Our tour will take you to the best vantage points, allowing you to capture these architectural marvels in all their glory, while our guides provide historical insights and stories to deepen your appreciation of each location.

Hidden Gems: Beyond the well-known landmarks, our tour will also unveil hidden gems tucked away in Sultanahmet. Discover charming narrow streets, local markets, and lesser-known architectural gems that offer unique perspectives for your photography. These hidden treasures will add depth and variety to your portfolio, allowing you to showcase Istanbul’s lesser-explored beauty.

Small Group Size: We believe in providing a personalized and intimate experience for every participant. Our small group sizes ensure that you receive individual attention from our guides, who will tailor their guidance to your specific interests and skill level. You’ll have ample time to ask questions, seek feedback, and learn valuable photography techniques to enhance your craft.

Cultural Immersion: Our photography tour isn’t just about capturing images; it’s also about immersing yourself in Istanbul’s rich culture. As we navigate Sultanahmet, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with locals, observe daily life, and capture authentic moments that reflect the city’s vibrant spirit. These candid shots will add a layer of authenticity to your portfolio and tell compelling stories.

Book your spot on our photography tour in Sultanahmet and embark on a visual journey that combines the mastery of your craft with the exploration of Istanbul’s historical gems. Capture breathtaking images, delve into the city’s captivating stories, and create a portfolio that showcases the beauty and cultural richness of Istanbul. Don’t miss this opportunity to create memories and photographs that will be cherished for a lifetime.


We start with Hagia Sophia, indoor architectural photography.

Then we will visit underground cistern built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527-565) was named as Yerebatan Palace among the people due to the marble columns rising from the water and countless seemingly like. If this cistern is closed we will visit Serefiye Cistern.

After taking photos of the daily life in Sultanahmet Square, we will enter the Blue Mosque. Then we’ll go on with Hippodrome area.

After these historical monuments we will go on with street photography in the narrow streets of Kadırga. During the photo walk we will also see Sokullu Mehmet Pasha Mosque, Küçük Ayasofya (Little Hagia Sophia) Mosque.

Duration: 5 hours

Equipment: Your camera, an wide angle lens (e.g., 16-35 mm for full frame) a general use lens (e.g., 24-70 mm for full frame) and a telephoto lens (e.g., 70-200 mm for full frame)


Please contact for price.
The photo walk budget varies depending on the number of people and the arrangements we make on the route.

Price includes photographic guiding only. Please ask for more services e.g. transportation, breakfast etc.

How to register?
Just send an e-mail to

or send a message via WhatsApp : +90 533 383 60 42

We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

Visit the photos of our instructor :


Watch our instructor – Cenk Gencdis on Youtube about Night Photography :