Photography Tour in Vefa and Süleymaniye | Capture Istanbul’s Historic Neighborhoods

Welcome to Istanbul, a city brimming with photographic wonders! As a professional photography expert, you have a discerning eye for capturing the essence of unique locations. Join us on an extraordinary photography tour in Vefa and Süleymaniye, and immerse yourself in the rich history and visual splendor of these remarkable neighborhoods.

In this photo walk we will have the chance to take photos of mosques, atreet photos and daily life of the city.

Why Choose Our Photography Tour in Vefa and Süleymaniye?

Expert Guidance: Our photography tour is led by experienced professionals who possess a deep knowledge of Vefa and Süleymaniye. They will provide expert guidance on composition, lighting, and camera settings, helping you elevate your skills and capture extraordinary images that showcase the beauty of these iconic neighborhoods.

Vefa’s Timeless Beauty: Explore Vefa, a neighborhood steeped in history and architectural grandeur. Capture the timeless beauty of Ottoman-era mansions, ancient mosques, and charming cobblestone streets. Our tour will guide you through the hidden corners and vibrant markets of Vefa, providing ample opportunities to capture unique scenes that reflect the neighborhood’s distinct character.

Süleymaniye’s Majestic Splendor: Discover the magnificence of Süleymaniye Mosque, an architectural masterpiece. Capture the grandeur of its domes, intricate details, and serene courtyards. Our tour will take you to the best vantage points, enabling you to capture stunning images that showcase the mosque’s awe-inspiring beauty.

Hidden Gems and Cultural Depth: Beyond the renowned landmarks, our guides will unveil hidden gems and offer cultural insights that add depth to your photography. Explore lesser-known streets, local markets, and interact with residents to capture authentic moments and experiences. These hidden gems provide a unique perspective and enrich your photographic storytelling.

Small Group Size: To ensure a personalized experience, we keep our tour groups small. This allows our guides to provide individual attention, cater to your specific interests and skill level, and offer personalized tips and insights. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, our experts will help you capture extraordinary images and enhance your photography skills.

Cultural Immersion: Our photography tour is not just about capturing images; it’s also an opportunity to immerse yourself in Istanbul’s culture. Experience the local way of life, taste traditional treats, and engage with locals to capture authentic moments that reflect the spirit of Vefa and Süleymaniye. These cultural interactions will deepen your understanding and add a layer of authenticity to your photographs.

Book your spot on our Vefa and Süleymaniye photography tour and embark on a remarkable journey through Istanbul’s captivating neighborhoods. Capture extraordinary images, explore the city’s rich heritage, and create a portfolio that reflects the unique charm of Vefa and Süleymaniye. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover Istanbul’s hidden treasures and enhance your photography skills along the way.


Vefa and Suleymaniye region is one of the most historical parts of Istanbul. Starting with a very nice and photogenic mosque; Sehzade we will have the chance to work indoors. After that we will visit and taste Vefa Bozası (It is a malt drink made by fermenting various grains: maize (corn) and wheat). The shop is a small place but has lots of opportunities for photography.

After that we will visit the tomb of Ebu’l Vefa (The religious person who gave his name to the region). We will have the chance to take photos of the tombstones & cats here.

We will walk in the streets of Suleymaniye region and reach the beautiful mosque. We will have the chance to take photos indoors and from the terrace general view of Istanbul again.

Duration: 4 hours

Equipment: Your camera, a wide angle lens (e.g., 16-35 mm for full frame) a general use lens (e.g., 24-70 mm for full frame) and a telephoto lens (e.g., 70-200 mm for full frame)


Please contact for price.
The photo walk budget varies depending on the number of people and the arrangements we make on the route.

Price includes photographic guiding only. Please ask for more services e.g. transportation, breakfast etc.

How to register?
Just send an e-mail to

or send a message via WhatsApp : +90 533 383 60 42

We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.

Visit the photos of our instructor :


Watch our instructor – Cenk Gencdis on Youtube about Night Photography :